Sunday, September 19, 2010

Before you're lost between the notes

Ah, nothing says Harvest Time like working on a Sunday.  
And sticky, fermenting clothes.  Also, sleep deprivation.  Also, poor nutrition and weight loss.  Also, sloppy hygiene.  
Also, beards. . . . 
So, ok, lots of things say Harvest.  But to me, living at the winery is at the top of the list.

Saturday T and I had several barrels and a tank to inoculate.  We had 5 puncheons with red fruit ( Malbec and Merlot), 14 barrels with Sauvignon blanc, and one big effing Sauvingnon blanc tank with 3,000 gallons of juice.
Here is some footage from Saturday:

Then Saturday night, the winery had an event to celebrate the release of something or other, so I spent Saturday night at work with some delicious pizza, wine and this dude:

All things considered, it was a pretty delicious Saturday night.

Woke up this morning, and headed back to work to climb the mountain of paper work that accumulated during the week.  Something they didn't prepare me for in wine making school was how much paper it takes to make wine.  
Weigh tags, crush reports, work orders, purchase orders, receipts, 702s (government reporting), data entry for all the analysis we generate.  Not to mentions the typical office stuff like emails and time sheets, etc.  
I can procrastinate with the best of them, but when it comes to work orders and data entry I like stay on top of it, otherwise things get lost, details are forgotten and someone gets yelled at and/or cries.  
However, the recent long days of bringing in fruit have made it difficult to keep up with all the paper work that seems to breed on my desk.  
It seems when I'm not looking the work orders and post its are getting it on and every time I glance near my computer they have birthed more paper babies.  
I need to have a talk with them about using protection, that, or I need to trick, I mean teach T to use the data base.

Today's Tunes: Silence, except the pitter patter of key strokes.

Up Next: Why it's so awesome that it didn't rain today.

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