Last week I felt like I was on an episode of How It's Made. Two coworkers and I went to Tracy, California to a glass plant to better understand that side of packaging. Safety first! Hard hat, eye and ear protection and a sweet vest. Susan (Production Coordination) and I were very excited to be there.
The first thing you notice is the heat. There are 4 giant furnaces working all day every day to melt the components to make glass. It may look like this picture has a filter, but this is pretty close to the colors in the plant. It's upwards of 90F in there, they said sometimes in the summer for a few days it has gotten up to 135F. They have to take frequent breaks to combat heat exhaustion.
They let us go up to look into the furnace. You can see the tiny round yellow hole in the picture. It's what it must be like to look at the surface of the sun, undulating waves of molten glass lava. You can't look at it directly, they gave us a filter to look through. When I got up there it was so hot I think I singed my nose hairs. For about 2 seconds I felt like the air was taken out of my lungs and then I felt a strong tingling sensation in my nose like severe allergies. Totally worth it.
This part is the mixing chamber. I think. It was so loud and very difficult to hear the explanations sometimes. Anyway, some sort of mixing happens here.
This picture did not turn out well. But what I was trying to illustrate (besides my stylish footware - they made me wear giant man shoes because my shoes were not appropriate) was how everywhere you walked the floor was covered with shards of glass. There is just too much to ever clean up, so no one does.
The furnaces give off the most heat, but the freshly molded bottles (like the ones here) give off a lot of heat as they travel through the factory.
In this picture he is taking two bottles from the line that touched and were fused together. He picks them up and sends them to be re melted and formed again. In the video you see him demonstrating how malleable the molten glass is at this stage.
This machine preforms the QC by using lasers to examine the bottles for any defects. They spin around and a computer searches for any bubbles, blisters, chips, cracks, stones, glass thickness and roundness.
Here is a conveyor of glass that has been approved and is on it's way to be packaged in cartons and pallets.
Between the walls is cullet. Cullet is what they call recycled glass. It has to be ground up before it can go back to the furnace to be melted and made into new glass.
I was so excited I got to take pictures this time. Last year's visit to a different glass plant was mostly pictures of my view from the plane, what I had for lunch and an airport picture of me with Seattle swag for proof.
I still have more Portugal pictures to write about, but this was a nice break.
yeah, what he said . . . .
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ReplyDeleteظلت دائما اجهزه تكييف الهواء هي من اهم العوامل التي تقدم المساعده والعون االي الانسان حيث انها تدعمه علي تحمل تقلبات الجو سواء الحراره العاليه او الحراره المنخفضة ، وان رفاهيه الانسان تعتمد بشكل كبير علي مكيفات الهواء وكل ذلك يعتمد علي حالة مكيف الهواء لديكم حيث انه من الواجب دائما عمل صيانة وتنظيف بشكل مستمر لمكيفات الهوات الهواء فان ادائها يعتمد بشكل كبير علي ذلك حيث انها من الممكن مع عدم صيانتها وتنظيفها بشكل منتظم ان تؤدي الي عطلها ان وانهياراها تماما ، فيما يلي بعض النصائح الهامة حول كيفية الرعاية بمكيف الهواء الخاص بك …
تنظيف مكيفات
- اذا كنت تعيش بمنطقة قريبة بشكل كبير من المناطق الصناعية ، فيجب عليك الاهتمام بشكل كبير بتنظيف المكيفات بشكل مستمر وعلي فترات متقاربة اكثر من اي منطقة سكنيه اخري فيجب عليك دائما الاستعانة بـ تنظيف مكيفات بالرياض
للقيام عملية الصيانة والتنظيف الدورية بالنيابة عنك ، او اذا كانت لديك الخبره الكافية بذلك فمن الممكن عمل الصيانة بنفسك غير ذلك قد تكون حالة المكيف لديك علي المحك لذلم فانت دائما تحتاج الي تنظيف المكيفات بالرياض .
شركة تنظيف مكيفات
- اذا كنت من هواه مقتني الحيوانات الاليفة مثل القطط او الكلاب او غيرها من الحيوانات الاليفة فذلك من اهم الاسباب التي تحتم عليك العناية جيدا بنظافة المكيفات بالرياض بشكل دائم ومستمر فان الفراء الناتج من هذه الحيوانات دائما ما يتحد مع ذرات الغبار والتي تعمل علي انسداد وتضييق فتحات الفلاتر والغاز الخاص بالفريون داخل المكيف مما قد يؤدي مع الوقت الي تلف المكيف فلذلك فان شركة تنظيف المكيفات بالرياض هوا من اهم العوامل الاساسية التي تحافظ دائما علي عمر مكيف الهواء لديكم .