Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Boys Blowing Up Our Phones, Phones

Well, it wouldn't be a complete harvest without blowing out a tank.  
And I wish I could say an intern did it, but I cannot.
It was I.

Usually T and I make all additions together, but today was busy so we split up the tasks.  I went to make an addition to one of our Sauvignon blanc tanks, a task I do regularly without catastrophe.  However, this time the tank was really full.  I mean really really full.  
When the juice is still fermenting we need to leave generous head space because fermentation can become vigorous and well, the tank can blow out.  
This particular tank's capacity is about 3,000 gallons and it was full to almost the brim.  The fermentation had been progressing ok for several days so far, so I went to add yeast nutrients to the tank.  As the yeast are converting the sugar to alcohol they deplete nutrients and sometimes it's important to replenish them mid way through the fermentation so the yeast don't poop out and get stuck.  
Nutrients should be added slowly because they agitate the fermentation.  I know this and I added them slowly, and nothing happened.  So I added some more and there was bubbling, but not much else.  So I closed the lid of the tank and began to walk away.  
Four steps later I hear a loud hissing sound and turn back to look at wine shooting out of the lid.  It had only been a few seconds after I made the addition and the entire 3,000 gallon tank started to roll and foam and spew.  
I called back up (took some footage) and T quickly came up to undo the lid and help clean up.

So that happened.

Then we had an additional blow up when the juice jugs we collect to make our lab wine started to ferment (again) before we could get them into the proper container.  In the video you can see how fast and furious the juice wants to get out of the gallon jug.  Imagine how fast and furious 3,000 gallons can be.

So all this unintentional blowing up led to some very intentional blowing up.  
The boys decided to make some dry ice bombs, which provide simple ways to mess with your coworkers.  Also, they are crazy loud and dangerous. 
In the beginning of the clip T asks if I'm sure I want to be filming something OSHA would totally frown upon.  And by frown upon I mean dole out hefty fines and/or fire someone.  
This is my 4th Harvest, but my first time seeing a dry ice bomb.  I did want to film it.  
So, keep this on the DL and don't tell OSHA.

For serious.

To make a dry ice bomb you take a water bottle and fill it with a little water and dry ice, cap it, and let the pressure build up.  The boys had already made a few dry ice bombs before I got out there with my camera.  The first one had been unsuccessful, so at one point you see our unsuspecting victim pick up an old water bottle and chuck it to prove he isn't afraid of it.  Then ours explodes and well, we would have all been really sorry if he had picked it up.  
Um, again, don't tell OSHA.

. . . . . . . 

In other less illegal news, I am happy to report that Monday at 6am our winemaker's family expanded by one.  As soon as I heard (after feeling delighted for them), I immediately thought  how unfortunate the baby missed the birth date of 10/10/10.  
Q: How cool would that have been?  A: Pretty cool.
So anyway, imagine our 100 hour work weeks, and then imagine them with the responsibility of being the boss, and then imagine them with a new born.  
Fortunately he's handling it like a champion.  
So far anyway.  
Congrats Baby Momma!
Good Luck Boss!
Welcome baby!

Today's Tunes: T and I played "Guess The Artist" on Pandora.  The channel was Andrew Bird and that brought up all kinds of stuff.  But it was not as fun as when we played GTA on the Ghostland Observatory channel and we got Daft Punk and Journey back to back.  Journey? Really Pandora?

Up Next: More (legal) fun with dry ice.  Also, a Harvest Beard Championship Update.



  1. Bluvin, does need lovin, but don't we all. I really enjoyed this entry: explosions make for good copy (although I'm quite incredulous that you took footage of the disaster you helped create; it's like the Taliban posting a Youtube of an attack. Speaking of, I'm in a different Harvest Beard Conference, but, were I to show up, your jaws would drop in beard envy; I'm rocking a near Taliban level beard- I look like a human scrubby- like a bucket with dirty scrubbies attached (yes, that's gross, and I'll stop, but I get a bit of enjoyment out of riding the metaphor to its painful end). Your hours sound absurd, hope you lot retain your sanity- you'd sneer in derision if you were to see a blog of my daily schedule: civilized, I think is the best way to describe it. In conclusion, hit me up if "The CL Crew" ever finds itself in possession of a day off (because I almost never work past 5:30).

  2. So i figured i would take a look at the blog finally and also see if the birth of Kanco (hehehe, thats Kale and Ronco combined) was harvested. I must admit, it is a nice dialogue that you have going here L, although i am not sure if blowing up a tank counts for that. But i digress away from any semblance of relevance. How is life treating you all? PS i am getting bitten by a new baby girl kitten, who likes to run around, create terror, bite my toes, and then suddenly without warning, crash into a slumber.

  3. Hey BeeRenDan! Thanks for the comparison to the Taliban, that is def a first for me. Though to be honest there was minor hesitation about posting the blowout. Even more over the dry ice bomb. T is quite the worry wort. But there is so much secrecy in this industry already, I dunno, I thought I would like to be as transparent as possible, so it's in. This might come to bite me in the ass later but "I'm ready to be heartbroken cuz I can't see further than my own nose at this moment".
    Also, if your facial hair accomplishments are what you say they are, send a pic. You can compete as an At Home Player.

  4. C. Bear, so good to see you here! We miss you something awful. Things here are pretty much the same. Still working everyday like its going out of style. Maybe now that you aren't working 80 hour weeks you can find some time to write that 'RowBear Reviews' piece I was looking forward to. I think you should write about your time here, you know, review the harvest.
    Call it: RowBear's First (And Last) Harvest.
    Ok, 500 words in my inbox by Monday. Go!

    Also, everyone knows there can never been too many kittens doing adorable things on the internet, so send some over pictures please :D
