This is one of my favorite wine labels. Palermo by Orin Swift.

Pappilon, by Orin Swift.

I love the large label with no information. I think I would like The Prisoner more if it was in the same style as Palermo and Papillon - no title, white border. I really love these bottles.
I'm thinking so much about labels because in a handful of days TK and I will be bottling our wine. We don't need a finished label in order to bottle, but it's one of the funner parts of making wine, so I've started trying to narrow it down.

Thinking of favorite labels, I always have to point to my former boss Michelle Edwards wine: Linnea Rhizotomi. I adore this label. I want a tattoo of this label.

Also, I recently saw these label designs by the Spanish design agency Lavernia & Cienfuegos. They see faces and people in corks too!

I've yet to see a Koalo bear though.

See, I only talked about putting a hat on a cork, these guys did it!
These are the latest cork faces I found this week:

Lavernia & Cienfuegos design all kinds of beautiful things, like Solar Milk?!? Just kidding, sun tan and bronzing products. The packaging is so pretty, I want some Leche Solar.
So then it was time to think about my label. I wanted it to be simple, like Orin Swift. Just a picture in the front and save all the information for the back label.
So then it was time to think about my label. I wanted it to be simple, like Orin Swift. Just a picture in the front and save all the information for the back label.


I love polaroids, so naturally I wanted the label to be of a polaroid I took. Although when I showed the front label to a friend and they quickly advised against going with the 'instagram' look. This is hilarious and sad to me because I wasn't taking a new picture and making it look old, I used an old picture of an actual polaroid.

These are the ones that I have yet to frame.
Will post about the weekend's bottling adventures in a few days. In the mean time, any one else have favorite labels to share?
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