Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Guy Ritchie, isn't he a dancer?"

This week, Guy Ritchie and his crazy gorgeous girlfriend Jacqui Ainsley stopped by the lab.  Notice, Jacqui is not pictured because I embarrassed myself by paying attention to him exclusively.  You'd think I learned from the last time someone cool visited my lab, but I did not.  Although I did manage to ask him film advice "one director to another".

Since I enjoy his movies, I was surprised to learn that none of my coworkers were as big a fan as I.   When I tried to brag to my winemaker about who stopped by, he asked if Guy Ritchie was a dancer, and a tour guide asked if he was related to Lionel Ritchie.  Sometimes I feel so alone.

Also this week, I ran out of chemicals for the Auto-Titrator and had to send wine samples to be analyzed by a different lab.  This gave me an opportunity to visit Think Tank, a new wine service lab in Saint Helena.  Very cool facility.  Not only do they run wine analysis and sell fermentation products (yeast, nutrients etc.) but . . . 

 They also sell wine antiques.  Its odd for a wine lab to do, but they have very lovely things.

Also there was a party and a lot of champagne was drunk.

And even though my smile is deceptive, this shows that winemaking is not all glamorous.  It takes a lot of paperwork to make wine.  This is a stack that I need to go through soon and either file away, or shred.  I'm leaning towards shred.
